How to create a blog? How to Start a WordPress Blog Guide for Beginners

Mind Blowing
18 min readMay 29, 2021


Home WordPress blog How to create a blog? How to Start a WordPress Blog Guide for Beginners

How to create a blog? How to Start a WordPress Blog Guide for Beginners

Whoever was looking for a Free Blogging Course or Blog Kaise Banaye for a long time, then I have come with this course for all of you today. If you do not know a little about blogging, then you will get full information about it by reading this post.

So if you want to learn to blog and want to make money from blogging, then this post will help you a lot. Because in this I have tried to explain each and everything very well. I hope that all of you people will also understand all these things very well.

In this post, you will learn how to choose Blog Topic, how to buy, how to buy Hosting, how to set up a Blog, and also all the information that will help you to become a good blogger.

How to Start a WordPress Blog — Some people say that in today’s date no one wants to read Blog. If anyone wants information about anything, then immediately go to YouTube and see whatever he needs information about on YouTube.

Yes, it is absolutely true that most people get to know about it by looking at YouTube before knowing about anything. But it is not that no one reads a blog, even today many people learn a lot of things from the blog every day. So it is very important to have the right choice of Blog Topic before starting a Blog.

Choose the correct topic of the blog.

Everyone can start a blog, but to rank it, a lot of people get killed in it, and they stop working on the blog. Because a lot of people were already working on the topic on which they started their blog. In such a situation, if a new blogger works on the same topic.

So it will be very difficult for him to rank his blog post. So which topic should you choose, let’s also know about it?

Before starting a blog, you should choose your topic because suppose you have created your blog on such a topic and you do not have much knowledge about it, then you will not be able to write more posts on that blog because you have to know more about it. It does not exist.

That is why you should choose your blog topic on which you do not feel bored at all while writing.

Probably all of you must also know that most blogs stop working on their blogs because of this because they did not choose the topic of their blog correctly. So let’s now know what we need to do to find a good topic.

So if you ask this question to any blogger, then all will give you the same answer that you have good knowledge about whatever field or whatever. You should start your blog with the same topic.

What do you think of people? Should we do the same We should make a blog about whatever we have good information about.

I would like to tell you that no, we should not do this, we still have to see many things only after that to see what we have good information about.

This is not enough, assume that you know about anything and you have made a blog on it. But no one wants to know about that information, so you have to see whether people want to read your blog or not.

Now you must be wondering how this thing will be known whether people want to read about that topic or not. Or say, how many people are there on the internet who search to know about that information.

So for that, you will have to do Keyword Research according to the topic of your blog. If you want to make your blog on Health Niche. So, search through your topic and see if there is a search volume on the Related Keywords from those topics.

You can use Ahref Tool to do Keyword Research. But for this, you have to pay a charge of Rs 300–400 per month and if you want to use the free tool, then WMS will be very good for you everywhere. This is a Chrome Extension.

Apart from this, you also have another way by which you can choose the right topic of your blog and that is that you have to open Google.Com and type in its search box, Top 10 Blog + Your Niche (Your Blog Topic of)) This way you will get a lot to see whether people want to read the topic of your blog or not.

And out of all the results that you will get on Google, you open any one website, then you will get the names of the 10 best blogs made on that topic, then you should check the report of any website from it, from this website on Google How much traffic is coming

For this, you can use a similar web tool. Where you can know about any website, how much traffic is coming to that website every month, and where it is coming from.

After doing this, you also have to see how many posts you can write on that topic. If you can write some 50 posts related to that topic, then you can make your own blog on that topic.

If you are not able to understand anything after thinking 50 who write on that topic, then you should make your own blog on another topic. Because suppose if you have created a blog on that topic, you do not have any content that you can post anything new on it.

This is a very popular topic on which you can start your blog, if you have a piece of good knowledge about any of these topics then you can make your own blog on these topics.

How to book a domain for a blog?

To take the website online, we need a Domain Name. This is because whenever someone needs to see our website, they will insert the domain of our website in any of their browsers, then our website will open in their browser.

If you do not know at all about the domain, then today you will understand what the domain is from here. The way everyone has their home or office address. So that if we tell his address to any person then he,

Arrive at that address. In the same way, if we tell the domain of the website about someone, then they can reach your website immediately. So you guys must have done some search on Google.

And there you have to write Google.Com in your browser only then you are able to use it. So whatever you type in “Google.Com” is called this domain.

How to choose a Domain Name?

There are many ways to choose a good domain name, some of which are that whenever you book a domain name, before that you should see that on whatever niche you are going to build a website. Whether any one of its keywords is in that domain name.

For example, if the Niche (topic) of your blog is on Food Recipes, then there must be a Keyword that resembles Food in your domain. So that when anyone sees it or hears it, then they will understand what this blog is about.

And at the same time, you should try your blog in the Domain Name so that it is not more than 2 or 3 words. If you have chosen your domain name too big, then you may have a slight problem. Because even some users who want to read your blog posts, because their domain name is very large, they should not type at all.

Or you can use any Domain Name Generator Tool. Now those who do not know about it, then you just have to open Google.Com, after that, you have to search in its Domain Name Generator, then open any website you have in the search list.

After that, on the blog Niche (topic) you want to make a blog, just type it as Niche as I have done in the image above.

After that you also get Buy written in front of the Domain Name, you can register any of those domains. This means that no one has even registered this domain.

And the WHOIS is written in red, which means that this domain has been registered by someone, if we want information about who bought that domain, then we can click on WHOIS for that.

How to Buy a Domain Name?

So far, you have to know about the domain, what is a domain and how should you choose a domain, now let’s also see how to buy or register a domain. By the way, you will find many such websites on the Internet that give you the domain by registering.

But from which of those websites, you should know that you should register a domain.

So before booking the domain name, you will have to check from where you are buying the hosting. So, are they giving you the domain of hosting for free or not?

Because many of the offers to increase the sell of their hosting also provide domains for free, so the first thing to do is to check whether they are giving the domain for free. If the domain is not available for free,

then you can buy the domain from Godaddy. I have told you this hosting company for this because it is very easy to connect Hosting with Domain here.

So first you have to open this website https://In.Godaddy.Com/.

After that, you enter your domain name and click on the search button.

And then a list of many domains will appear in front of you, you will get the option of “Add To Cart” in front of whatever domain you had to take, click on it, after that a button of “View To Cart” will be found at the top, then you will go to the cart. You can buy your domain by going to

I told you to get a domain from Godaddy because there are many ways to pay you here and the best way in this is UPI Payments, due to which it becomes very easy to pay.

So as soon as you complete the payment process, you will immediately get an email in which you must have written about the domain that your domain has been added to this account.

How to Buy Hosting for your Blog?

If you want to run a good website then you will need this good web hosting, if you search about web hosting on the internet then you will get web hosting very cheap there.

If you take any cheap web hosting, then your website gets severely damaged because it keeps getting down again and again. If a user came to your website after doing some search and your website will not open, then wherever he sees your website from then onwards, he will not open it.

Those who do not know about web hosting can only know that we need land to build our house. In the same way, we need web hosting to bring our website online. All the Images, Videos, PDF, or all other important files of the website are saved on this hosting.

You will find many companies that sell web hosting. Some of which are: — Hostgator, Hostinger, A2 Hosting, Reseller Club, etc. There are so many web hosting companies that you cannot think of them.

I am going to tell you about Hostinger, from here we can start our first blog. So let’s know how to buy hosting from Hostinger.

To buy this hosting, you will not need any Visa Card or International Card, nowadays all people use UPI.

You can also pay with UPI to buy hosting, or pay with any of your normal debit cards (ATM cards). Let us know how you will buy hosting for your website from Hostinger.

So first of all, by clicking on my given link, open Hostinger.On the website, then here you have to choose the hosting plan according to you, if you take its Premium Web Hosting plan for 48 months then For that you have to pay ₹ 119 per month.

Whatever option you want to take, you will have to click on Add to Cart option below it. Then the next page will open in which you will have to fill in all the details of the payment. (But before that you must create an account on Hostinger)

After doing just this, you just have to make a payment now, after that when the payment will be done, then you will also get a Confirmation Mail. In that, you will get the Username and Passwords of Cpanel.

Now all you have to do is connect your domain and hosting together.

How to set up a blog?

Now by putting the domain name of your website in any browser, look at it, your website will start to open. But right now our website will be looking normal at the same time, we have to do some things to make this website even better.

Before doing all these things, we have to enter in the dashboard of our website, for that, we will have to type Wp-Admin in our browser with our domain such as: — “www.Yourdomain.Com/Wp-Admin"

When you type your domain in this way, a page will appear on the screen where you will be asked for Email Id and Password, you have to enter the same Email Id and Password that you had inserted in Hostinger while installing WordPress.

When the Dashboard will open, first of all, you have to enter your Site Name because it contains the Default Site Name written in it. Due to which when you open your website, you get the title by doing My Site there.

So to change it, you have to go to Settings, and then go to General Settings and change the Site Name and Tagline.

Then after that, you have to change the permalink inside the settings itself. Permalink or Slug This means that even if you create a Post or Page.

So you would have seen the URL like this before there www.Yourdomain.Com/2020/06/Page-Name.

Html It will show something in such a way that we have to change it to www.Yourdomain.Com/Page-Name.Html.

You will find this thing in the settings of Permalink.

How to put a Theme on a blog?

To make your blog good, we will always have to install a good theme along with good content. Now if you search for a good theme, then you may have to pay for it.

But there is also a Theme that is also very fast-loading and the theme is also very good in terms of viewing. So, let’s now know how to apply a theme to a blog.

So you have to go to WordPress Dashboard, where you will get an option on which Appearance will be written. After going to Appearance, you have to click on Add Theme and then search by typing GeneratePress in the Search Box.

Now you have to click on the install button, after that this theme will be installed, after that, you have to click on Activate to apply this theme on the blog. Then immediately after this, your GeneratePress Theme will be successfully installed on your blog. To check whether the theme is on the blog or not, you must refresh your website and check it once.

Now after Theme Activate, you also need to put all the necessary menus, so that your website will also look like a Professional Website. So to create a menu, you have to first click on Appearance and then click on Menu.

After this, you have to click on Primary Menu and after that, you write the names of all the menus you want to add here. If you want to add your page with the menu itself, then you can do the same with it.

Now after this, it is very important to make 4 pages, if you have not made these 4 pages, then you cannot take Approval of Google Adsense on your website. Due to which you may face some difficulty in earning money from the blog. Because Google Adsense is the easiest way to earn money from a blog, and if it will not be approved on your blog, then your dream of earning money from blogging will remain incomplete.

So that’s why you must make these four pages:-

To create these pages, you just have to have an Icon of + at the top and after clicking on it, you have to click on Add New Page. And by whatever name you want to create your page, you just have to put the name of that page in the Title and then write about the content.

If you do not understand what to write on a page with a disclaimer or a privacy-policy page, then you just have to search Google for Disclaimer Page Generator or Privacy-Policy Page Generator.

You will find many such websites that you will write for free on your own pages by writing about your website on your own.

So by now, you must have created Menu and all the necessary pages as well.

How to Install Plugin on Blog?

The only advantage of creating a blog on WordPress is that if you do not have much technical knowledge, then this plugin makes your work very easy. So let’s know which plugins you should install in your blog.

But before this, I want to tell you one thing, that the more work plugin you use for your website, the less the load on your website will be less, due to which the loading speed of your website will be very good.

So that’s why you only install the necessary plugin and try to do that if it will be done with a source code, then try to do it from that.

You do not have to do much to install Plugin on the blog, all you have to do is click on the Option containing the Plugin and after clicking on Add New Plugin, you will find a search box in there by typing the name of whatever Plugin you want to install. Do a search

After that, the plugin you searched for will come in that search list, after that you have to activate it after installing that plugin only then you can use that plugin.

All these plugins are necessary for you, you must install them:-

We use this plugin for the SEO of our website, with the help of this plugin, it helps us a lot to do SEO on our blog. As we are writing any post, this plugin makes it very easy to do its On-Page SEO.

In whatever post we are writing, it tells us what is lacking and how to improve it, it’s free and paid two versions are available, you can use the free one in the beginning, if later you feel that you Now you should use Yoast SEO Premium, then you can do that too.

ShortPixel: — This plugin helps a lot in compressing all the images that are added to our website. Many people have used Featured Image or any other images in the post.

We upload it without compressing, which is that we should upload all the images in our post by reducing the size. Because this is the term of an On-Page SEO.

Akismet: — Perhaps you all know that some people make Spam Comments on other websites, so if you sit down to delete the Spam Comment Manually, then it will take you a long time.

With this plugin you can moderate all Spam Comments if you feel that it is not spamming comments, then you can approve it.

WP Super Cache: — Due to Cache in the website, the loading speed becomes very slow. And you all will know very well that if the user does not open the website in 3–5 seconds, then you leave your website and go to another website. So this plugin helps you to clear the same Cache.

How to Install SSL Certificate for Free?

So if you people do not know what is SSL Certificate, if we have not installed it on our website, then write HTTP:// before the domain of our website, due to which the browser tells our website is Not Secure.

That is why we have to install SSL Certificate so that our website also remains secure. And our website is easy to open in all browsers.

When we get hosting from Siteground, we get SSL Certificate for free there,

So for that, you have to first open the Siteground Website, after that you have to click on the security option and then click on SSL Manager.

After that you have to add your domain in the Select Domain, on which we need the SSL Certificate, in its “Select SSL”, after clicking on the Let`S Encrypt, then click on the Get button.

Now we have to enable it by going to the Option HTTPS Enforce below SSL Manager. After doing so, refresh your blog and see if your blog has now been converted to HTTPS.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps a lot in checking the report of the website. With its help, we can find many things. Like how many page views are coming on our website, and how many people are coming, how long they are reading our post, or how long they are staying on our website.

For some such information, we have to link our blog or website with Google Analytics. For that, all we have to do is to put the Track Code from our Google Analytics account in the Theme of our website.

So let’s know how to create a Google Analytics account and how to put track code in a blog.

As long as this tracking code remains on our website, then only we can see everything on our website, if by mistake we get removed from the Track Code blog, then Google Analytics stops working.

Now you have to first open the website of Google Analytics which you can open by clicking on this link

After this, you have to click on Get Start, and on the page that opens, you will be asked the name of the name with which you want to create an account. Can be put

After that, we have to click on the web because we are creating this Analytics account for our website.

Then we have to write our website name and website link right here, after which country we are using our website, then you have to select India.

So in this way, the Google Analytics account has been completely created, now all you have to do is to install its tracking code on your website.

Immediately after creating an account, you will get the Tracking Code, if it is not available then we have to click on Admin, after that you will get the option of Tracking Info in the Property, after clicking on it, you have to click on the Tracking Code.

Now you have to paste this Tracking Code under the <Head> Tag of the theme of your blog and click on Save Theme.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is also known by some as Webmaster Tool because it was previously named Webmaster Tool.

So we have to take Google’s help to bring traffic to our blog. Because I use Google to search for almost anything. So that’s why we have to index all the posts in our blog in Google, Google Search Console helps us in that.

For this, firstly to create an account on Search Console, then you will have to open the website of Search Console.

For that, you click on this link

Welcome So first of all you have to write your domain here and click on the Continue button.

After this, to make Owner Verification of this Html Code, we have to paste the <Head> Tag of the Theme of our website just like we did after creating a Google Analytics account.

Now after this, you have to submit the Sitemap of your blog, for that, you have to open Google Search Console, after that you will get the option of Sitemap on the Left Side, after clicking on it, you just submit the Sitemap.Xml behind your domain. You have to click on the button next to it.

Just after this, your posts will slowly start getting indexed in Google.

Google Adsense

If you want to earn money by creating a blog, then the name comes first of all, which is Google Adsense and the top income proof I have shown you is that of Google Adsense.

First of all, make the four important pages that I told you about first and also put them on your website.

After this, you should write 15–20 posts which should be 1000 words or more and none should be such that you have written it by copying from somewhere, your post should be 100% unique.

After doing this, you have to apply for Google Adsense and within 24–48 hours you will receive an email from Google Adsense and in this way, you will get Google Adsense Approval for your blog.

And after this you also Advt on your blog. And you can start making money online.

And when you have $ 10 in your Google Adsense account, then you have to get Address Verification, for that you have to have PAN CARD.

Whenever $ 10 is completed, then you will have a red-colored heading at the top, after clicking on it, you have to complete the process of Address Verification from your PAN CARD.

And when your $ 100 is full, this money will be transferred to your bank, but before that, you will have to fill all the details of your bank in it, whatever is asked of you there. In this way, you can start making money from your blog.

So I have tried to understand you in a very good way how to earn money from Blog Kaise Banaye and Blog. I hope you like this information was given by me. And if someone asks you anything about blogging like how to earn money from a blog, then you can share those people’s posts so that those people can also know about Blogging better.

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Mind Blowing
Mind Blowing

Written by Mind Blowing

I am Digital Marketing Expert and Blog, Youtuber

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